Bolidtop 700

  • Jebo FoodBrugge België Bolidtop 700

    Bolidtop® 700

Bolidtop® 700

This solid and aesthetically sound floor finishing system is highly impact- and shockproof. This mechanically condensed flooring with a terrazzo-look can cope with extremely heavy loads. The slightly antiskid surface contributes to a safe working environment. And: seamless, durable, impermeable to fluids, low-maintenance and applied on site by own specialists.

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Technical properties

Bolidtop 700 is a 5 mm thick machine-sealed and seamless synthetic floor finishing based on low-viscous, two component synthetic resins with little odour. Bolidtop 700 has a terrazzo look. Bolidtop 700 is characterised by its resistance to high pressure, impact and wear so that the system is extremely suitable for heavy forklift truck traffic and pallet transport. The Bolidtop 700 is scratch-resistant and durable. Bolidtop 700 is resistant to the most usual chemicals and is applied in liquid form in accordance with a method we developed ourselves. Bolidtop 700 is available in a large number of terrazzo colours.

Mechanical properties

Bolidtop 700 is resistant to the most usual loads.

Forklift traffic
Falling objects
Foot traffic
Motorized pallet trucks

Chemical resistivity

Bolidtop 700 is resistant to the most usual chemicals and cleaning products.


Electrical properties

No electrical properties have been specified for Bolidtop 700.

Resistance structure
Safety resistance
Discharge time


Actavis Malta European Parliament
Agami Bakery Israel Excellent Food & Snack
Agromix hatchery Fernandes Bakery Paramaribo
Al Bayad hatchery Friesland Campina
Alcon Puurs Hendrix Genetics
Alyacht marketing Riyadh IKEA
Amsterdam Arena Il Fornaio London
Ausnutria Hyproca Janssen Pharmaceuticals Belgium
Aviagen Jebo Food Belgium
Bakery Allemeersch Katrina Sweets & Confectionery Dubai
Bakery Boboli Meilong Food China
Bell & Evans PepsiCo
Hatchery Gudendorf-Ankum Perfetti van Melle
Hatchery Lagerwey Pfizer Puurs
Hatchery Torsius Probroed
Cobb Hatchery SCANIA Belgium
Deli Grecia Panaman Schmidt Zeevis Rotterdam
DSM Sovereign Pullmantur Cruises
Eiermacher Ziggo Dome
  • Hawa Chicken Slaughterhouse Bolidtop 700
  • Chirina Hatchery Tbilisi Bolidtop 700
  • Schot Van Dijke Vishandel Tholen Bolidtop 700
  • Bayer Diegem Bolidtop 700
  • Bayer Diegem Bolidtop 700
  • Alcon Puurs België Bolidtop 700
  • Janssen Pharma Beerse Bolidtop 700

Color manager

Available colors for Bolidtop 700

Choose your color and request a sample

Bolidt color code:




Bolidt Synthetic Products & Systems

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Mailing address

P.O. Box 131
3340 AC Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht
The Netherlands

Visitor address

Bolidt Innovation Center
Noordeinde 2
3341 LW The Netherlands

TEL +31 (0)78 684 54 44