Bolidt Quality, environment and ISO Certification

  • Scheepvaart Transport College Rotterdam Bolidtop 700 College

    Quality and durability

  • Greendots header
  • Hoge school STOAS Wageningen Bolidtop Sensation

    Proven long life

  • Broederij Van Gent Veenendaal Bolidtop 700

    Low maintenance and easy to clean

About Bolidt

Quality, environment and ISO Certification

Bolidts sales, production and implementation have been certified according to internationally recognized standards by a body approved by the Board of Accreditation.

EN-ISO 9001: 2015 Scope: Sales, development, production and application of cold-setting synthetics. These synthetics can, among other things, be used for the finish and protection of concrete and steel. Download the PDF
EN-ISO 14001: 2015 Scope: Sales, development, production and application of cold-setting synthetics. These synthetics can, among other things, be used for the finish and protection of concrete and steel. Download the PDF
SCL 2.0 - LEVEL 3 Scope: Sales, development, production and application of cold-setting synthetics. These synthetics can, among other things, be used for the finish and protection of concrete and steel. Download the PDF
SCC**: 2017/6.0 Scope: Performance of application services with cold-setting synthetics systems. These systems can, among other things, be used for the finish and protection of concrete and steel. Download the PDF



Bolidt's vision is to allow the company to grow and simultaneously increase the social impact while decreasing the impact on the environment. Some call themselves sustainable. Others prefer the word green. But what this means for people and the environment remains unclear. With the arrival of GreenDots, Bolidt brings about a change in this. Refer to and be informed and inspired.

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Bolidt Synthetic Products & Systems

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Mailing address

P.O. Box 131
3340 AC Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht
The Netherlands

Visitor address

Bolidt Innovation Center
Noordeinde 2
3341 LW The Netherlands

TEL +31 (0)78 684 54 44