There are many different types of bacteria. Some are useful and have a protective effect on humans. Others, however, can cause serious diseases. Microbes, the smallest and most powerful organisms on our planet. We still know very little about them, but can learn a lot from them. About our health, about alternative energy sources and who knows what else. How do microbes affect the work of facility managers in the health care sector? What role does hygiene play in hospitals and what is Bolidt’s contribution in this area? Together with NVTG, the Dutch Association for Technical Facility Management in the Health Sector, and various speakers from the health care sector, we look forward to exploring these topics during this inspiring afternoon.
Thursday afternoon 24 May 2018
From 15:30 to 18:30
Facility managers working in the health care sector
Micropia Amsterdam
Plantage Kerklaan 38-40
1018 CZ Amsterdam
Presentations by various speakers from the health care sector will be followed by a guided tour of Micropia by professor Remco Kort.
Remco Kort is a microbiologist, principal scientist at independent research organisation TNO, professor of Microbial Genomics at the VU in Amsterdam and has served as an advisor to Micropia for nine years.
We are pleased to invite you to attend this exclusive health care event.
As there are a limited number of places available, we advise you to register as soon as possible by e-mailing
More information?
Please contact Susanne Versteeg-van der Net on +31 (0)78-684 54 44.
P.O. Box 131
3340 AC Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht
The Netherlands
Bolidt Innovation Center
Noordeinde 2
3341 LW The Netherlands
TEL +31 (0)78 684 54 44